marți, 26 februarie 2019

Shimmer and Shine Leah Costume, Hot Pink, Size XS | Rubies Costume Co. Inc

It is a lot of responsibility taking care of magical creatures and friends who come from other lands. Occasionally, you have to keep a few secrets and. More often than not, you end up cleaning up after some mistakes that went awry because of a misunderstood word or two. Fortunately, with time and patience, anything can be fixed up, good as new, and lessons can be learned for the following days. Such is the case for Leah and her genie friends, Shimmer and Shine, as they spent a lot of time together on Earth, hiding the truth from Zac and adventuring throughout town! Of course, if you spend too much time with your magical friends, you can find yourself in some really unexpected places. Well, that's where Leah ended up! Now she's got to keep a totally different kind of secret by dressing up like a genie, herself, because regular humans simply don't belong in Zahramay Falls! Though, obviously, some of the best kids in the world get to have some exceptions made on their behalf! Well, if you Discounted at only: US$ 34.99

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